Thursday, February 18, 2016

Just be the real You!

I have written, and rewritten this post about 30 times already.  And what I want to say never really comes forward in the right way. 

I get so far and then I think, oh I don't want to say that it will offend someone, or oh I don't want to say that, that is a little too personal, but you know what.  So what!  I named this blog "Just be the real you" for a reason!  If you offended, then don't read it!

Lets start with a little about me! 

Who am I?  I am married with 3 children.  That really does not say who I am does it? 
Do I really know who I am?  Nope!  So I guess this is where I will learn who I am. 
I had our kids at a very young age, and my Husband and I married in 1997.

As of October my Husband and I became empty nesters!  I thought this time would be great!  Everyone said it would be great!  Nope!  I find myself missing little "traditions" that we had.  Curling up together watching the "Hallmark Channel" or getting excited about a certain moving coming out that we would watch as a family.  Cooking for 2 is very difficult, and lonely. 

I am also finding more time on my hands as structure has changed in ministry. 

I don't like to be idol.  It drives me bonkers!

For so long I have had our kids and ministry to keep my busy, so I guess this is a time of rediscovery of who I am without kids and ministry to keep me going.  I guess it is kinda reverse for me to discover who I am and what is my purpose now.  I hope you will tag along for the ride and hopefully I can share stories of where I have been and where I am now, and maybe it will help you along your journey of being real and honest with yourselves.  And maybe help in your Spiritual life as well.

1 Peter 5:10
"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.  To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen."

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